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Advanced Twitter Marketing

Advanced Twitter Marketing: While Twitter was previously only a medium for exchanging ideas, the channel has developed into a source of boundless audience reach for astute marketers.

It’s not surprising that advertisers flock to the social site, which has 166 million daily active users.

It was previously enough for businesses to be successful on Twitter by sharing amusing tweets or content. Marketers must, however, keep up with the platform’s continuously evolving features to remain relevant. Your Twitter marketing plan should be ever-evolving in response to platform changes.

This post will go through the top advanced Twitter hacks and strategies to help you get through the clutter on this unique site.

Distribute a Variety of Content Types

Twitter is distinct from its social media peers. That whitepaper you shared on LinkedIn may have received a lot of attention, but it may not have performed well on Twitter.

Twitter claims that interactive content performs best on the platform. The firm recommends:

Visuals with a Video Emphasis

Twitter promotes using compelling pictures, GIFs, and videos to boost results. There is data to back it up: With over two billion video views daily, make sure you’re capitalizing on the popular content format. Twitter recommends utilizing your corporate logo and subtitles to minimize the need for headphones, as well as publishing videos that are 6-15 seconds long.

Postings containing images receive 35% more retweets than those with only text, while videos receive 28% more retweets than text.

  • Polls and Questions

To engage your audience, Twitter recommends leveraging the platform’s conversational structure in addition to visual material. 

While this method may not work well on Facebook or Instagram, polls may be an excellent way to create dialogue and participation with your audience.

  • Memes

Memes With just 240 characters to tell a tale, using the pre-existing narrative power of memes is a terrific method to deliver a message while also benefiting from the possibility of a viral tweet.

Your Twitter content strategy should be complicated, regardless of your audience. As a general guideline, follow the rule of thirds: one-third of your tweets should promote your brand, one-third should offer personal tales, and one-third should be valuable insights from experts or influencers.

The same is true for content variety. Make sure you’re providing your fans with a diverse range of stuff.

Share Case Studies or Teasers from Testimonials

When developing your advanced Twitter strategy, share samples of your success stories to attract new leads. Create landing pages with extra information for your audience to guarantee they can access the complete narrative.

Make use of visuals

On Twitter, we’ve previously highlighted the importance of graphics. This is also true while writing testimonials. Check out this Covergirl tweet that combines a sponsored picture with a real-life evaluation.

Twitter advanced tip: Use graphics

  • Compelling Quotes
  • Choose client quotations that speak to how you handled their problems. Other potential clients are frequently facing the same difficulties.

Develop entertaining competitions among your rivals

When planning your advanced Twitter strategy, don’t underestimate the importance of good, old-fashioned comedy.

On Twitter, the amusing back-and-forth between competitors has gone viral. Wendy’s has long reigned supreme in competitive snark.

These tweets work for Wendy’s because it is lighthearted at their core. It did well because it responded to a follower’s criticism while still fueling the underlying antagonism between fast-food titans.

Engage your opponents in a humorous discussion or make fun of some features of their brand if you have a good connection with them.

However, this method is only applicable to a subset of brands. This strategy is generally not for you if your brand voice is formal.

If you feel a rivalry is well on-brand for your brand, find what sets your company apart from the competitors and use the rivalry strategically to stand out.

Make Polls

We’ve established that Twitter is all about engagement, and polls may assist in facilitating that.

Remember, you can use polls in various ways as you develop your advanced Twitter marketing plan. Brands may profit from these techniques by improving customer involvement and brand recognition.

Go Online

It is simple to go live on Twitter. This sophisticated Twitter method is also successful because it satisfies many audience members’ cravings for quick connection.

Create your tweet, then press “LIVE” to go live. This will bring you to the pre-broadcast page, where you may frame your shot. When you’re ready, click “Go Live” to begin broadcasting!

Users on Twitter and Periscope may join your video once it’s live to participate in your brand experience.

Are you wondering why you should bother going live? Here are three obvious advantages:

  • Tweet on what they’re seeing is common.
  • It might be a novel technique to reach out to hard-to-reach audiences.
  • It increases genuine audience involvement.
  • These elements can have a significant influence on the reach of your brand and engagement on Twitter.

Make use of Twitter Cards.

Twitter Cards are platform-exclusive adverts that try to drive users from Twitter to your brand’s website, directing them to areas where the marketing occurs further down the funnel.

There are several kinds of cards, but they all have the same fundamental design. Take a look at The New York Times’ single picture card.

The benefit of employing Twitter Cards is that advertisers have a whole graphic to encourage click-through rather than just regular text.

Experiment with various CTAs

Whatever action you want your followers to take, you need a powerful CTA to tell them what to do.

This phrase was created by examining your objectives and choosing the best way to persuade your audience to meet you at the end of the bar.  

If you employ click-based tracking, you may use a heatmap tool like Crazy Egg to assess the efficacy of your CTA. You may compare the conversion rate of different lead-generating CTAs by looking at the number of form submissions in your CRM tool.

Make use of Twitter Spaces.

Twitter Spaces is a public chat room feature that can host up to 10 speakers in a conversation with everyone listening.

Users who have access to Spaces have described it as feeling like an interactive podcast.

So, why should Spaces be a part of your sophisticated Twitter marketing strategy? It can assist you with the following:

  • Get input from the crowd to show off new features or goods.
  • Develop thought leadership via industry discussions.
  • Speak in real-time with audience members.
  • Spaces allow companies to communicate directly with customers, allowing for a more casual and dynamic discussion than traditional modes of communication allow.


While Twitter appears to be a simple platform on the surface, marketers and brands may leverage the social site’s unique characteristics to create a significant impact in their campaigns.

These advanced marketing tactics can drastically alter how your Twitter presence contributes to your overall marketing performance.

Keep two things in mind as you implement these suggestions: your brand and your goals. With these considerations in mind, choose which tips will work best for you and get started.

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